Monday, February 18, 2013

The Importance of Drug Education

The Importance of Drug Education
Drug Education And The Importance Of It

You have probably heard it said before, prevention is the best form of treatment. Of course, drug prevention is best executed at multiple angles:
  1. Awareness
  2. Family-based tactics
  3. Education

 At the rate we are currently seeing, drug rehabilitation centers across the country will struggle to keep up with the influx of addicted individuals unless effective preventative measures are implemented in communities everywhere.

Raising Awareness Through Community Activity

Many communities, schools, hospitals and rehab facilities sponsor city-wide anti-drug activities like 5K walk/races, auctions or sports tournaments. Doing so gets increasingly wider networks of individuals to get involved in local efforts against drug and alcohol abuse.

Support these activities by joining in, telling your family/friends about them or volunteering to help run or manage the event. Even a simple Facebook “share” can go a long way. Lend a hand, and the fruits of your efforts will manifest in the form of a brighter community.

Prevention Starts In The Home

There are some parents under the misconception that drug education and prevention is a function of the community or the responsibility of the child’s school.

The most real and effective preventative efforts actually originate from within a child’s own home, from his or her parents. Our children and teens look to their parents for guidance and follow their example, even if it doesn’t seem like it all the time.

A few simple tips for a healthy child/parent relationship:
  1.  By simply expressing an anti-drug opinion, your child learns what the “family position” is on drugs.
  2.  Set boundaries and rules, founded by why those rules are in place. (Do not restrict your children from doing things without giving a logical explanation for it.)
  3. Create a safe, open forum for questions and communication on these subjects.

 Stay involved in your child’s daily life, his/her friends and favorite activities or hobbies. By helping youth to achieve their goals, they will be much more able to stay focused. An accomplished, happy individual with reason to stay drug free is much more likely to do so than someone who has no future plans or objectives.

Educational Programs Nationwide

Drug education and its importance in schools cannot be overstated, but not all programs are equal in value and effectiveness.

As a parent or even just a member of your community, your voice matters. Speak out in support of drug education programs which offer the following:

The Importance of Drug Education
  • Factual information about drugs (not scare tactics or “war stories”)
  • Engaging media or other tools interesting to youth
  • Surveys and exercises which tie the information into students’ real life
  • Real solutions to beating “peer pressure”
  • Goal and future life orientation

 Conversely, programs which only offer “safe ways to use drugs” or scare tactics have less usability and actually act negatively in a teen or young adult’s decision to use drugs. Often, these worst-case scenario-style educational programs make one think, “That would never happen to me.”

Rather, stick to programs that give the truth about drugs and alcohol—plain and simple: potential dangers, mental and physical health effects, risks of addiction, etc.

There are plenty opportunities to try drugs and alcohol for youth today. At ages as young as 11 and 12, we see youngsters trying these substances for the first time. With proper early education, it is hoped that these individuals will be better able to make the right decision and stay drug free.

Additionally, look for programs which stay current with substance abuse trends. Today’s hot addiction topics are not the same as they were 10 or even 5 years ago. The arrival of synthetic and prescription drug abuse has necessitated a change in educational material.


  1. I think drug education should be imposed at the early education of a young man to be prevent him in becoming a troubled teen. Important information regarding drugs should be relayed to young people.

    1. I really appreciate your comment. I also suggest that drug related articles should be added to the text books/syllabus in early education system.
