Monday, January 28, 2013

Narconon Reviews The Negative Effects Of Smoking On The Body

Narconon Reviews The Negative Effects Of Smoking On The Body
A drug used since ancient times, marijuana started out as a substance used for Chinese medicine. By 500 A.D. it reached places like Africa and India and eventually made its way into the United States in the early late 1500s or early 1600s. Marijuana is considered a crop; grown with tobacco and used as a source of fiber. Soon cotton took over in the US as the crop of choice but medicinal marijuana stuck around for some time and was used for things like nausea, conditions like rheumatism and labor pains.  

Around 1920 the drug started to become a substance that was widely abused. Songs were written about it and it even showed up in clubs and was common with musicians.  At first the drug was not considered to be a major problem.

By 1930 marijuana addiction started to become more and more of a problem was labeled a gateway drug and many who used it were considered “hippies” or “rebels.”  In 1970 the drug was made illegal and was classified as a Schedule I substance.

Through the years smoking marijuana has become problem for many being the number one most abused drug in history and the substances that sends the highest numbers of people to rehab programs every year. And over the last few years, despite this fact, and the fact that the THC levels in the drug have only grown stronger, guidelines as far as legal use of the drug have become more and more lax.

This started with the medical marijuana legalization in some states where one could purchase the drug through dispensaries. And even though the dispensaries became more and more dangerous, and a source or crime [even causing ones in Los Angeles to close down] some states continued to approve of its use.

This culminated when just recently some states legalized the drug for recreational use even with reports on the effects of marijuana on the brain as well as the fact that 9% of people who try the drug get hooked and 25 million are currently addicted

The Effects Of Smoking On The Body
Anyone who has read the latest government reports on smoking marijuana can see that the drug is not only addictive but dangerous. Mental effects of smoking marijuana include lowered IQ, suppressed potential, depression, anxiety and mood swings.

But Narconon reviews on the effects of smoking on the body [through government studies] indicate much more. According to the latest information from NIDA [the National Institute on Drug Abuse] marijuana use, especially when used early in life can cause permanent physical damage. Some of the effects of this include:

  • An elevated risk of certain cancers, especially those of the lung and throat.
  • A weakened immune system that gives one an inability to fight off disease.
  • Burning and stinging of the mouth and throat
  • Heavy and chronic coughing.
  • Rapid Blood Pressure (or high blood pressure).
  • Increased heart rate.

Narconon Reviews The Negative Effects Of Smoking On The Body
While these are just a few of the problems caused by the drug, studies show that the younger a person uses marijuana and the amount of the drug used can only complicate and make these issues worse. And the most damaging fact about this is that many don’t know just how dangerous and addictive smoking marijuana actually is.

If you are a parent, know the facts on this drug. Educate your kids. Help those addicted to marijuana and spread a positive message about abstinence from drugs.


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