Monday, December 24, 2012

3 Signs You May Have An Addictive Personality

3 Signs You May Have An Addictive Personality
Detail oriented, perfectionist or is it much more than that? Do you or someone you know have an addictive personality?

According to a recent article from the New York time there are specific traits that indicate that a person has an addictive personality. This can include those with addictive personalities that are hooked on drugs and alcohol as well as other addiction problems like gambling, sex and video games. This can even branch out to things like work or hobbies or even keeping the house clean.

Breaking it down it not only is about that the person is addicted to but their personality traits in general. Research has found that there are ‘significant personality factors’ that contribute to this.

What Are The Signs

Having an addictive personality does not include things like staying up late to get something done, always keeping your things organized or keeping yourself well groomed. It branches out to much more than that and is an obsessive need to do something and not be able to stop.

Some common traits of addictive personalities are:
1. The inability to stop doing something that is bad for you. This can including being with the wrong person or even something like drug or alcohol use. It’s not being able to stop despite the negative consequences that the behavior causes.
One example of this could be a heavy drinker who continues to abuse alcohol even after he or she gets a DUI, loses their license etc.
2. Disregard for those around you. Often when someone is an addictive personality they will make decisions and take actions only on their own interests or fixations. They will not consider their behavior or decisions and how they affect others.
This could be true in the example of the cocaine addict who leaves his family, using the drug for days. The result of his behavior is that he is unable [and unwilling] to work and provide for the family.
3. Denial that the behavior is negative or bad. In many instances an addictive personality will deny what they are doing is wrong or bad. However the truth is that some actually do believe that this is true. In some way the person made the decision to take part in the behavior and thinks that it helps them in some way.
This can happen with a food addict who feels that they have to eat to feel better. Even if the food they are eating is killing them by causing obesity and health problems because of it, they still may think that there is some value in it.
Why Does Someone Develop An Addictive Personality

According to some studies done on the subject stress can be a major contributor to an addictive personality. This stress can be a result of the environment but more importantly those in it surrounding the individual.

In addition one can start behaving impulsively if they get fixed on one or a few different things and are unable to redirect their attention.

In some instances like drugs as well as sex one will develop the problem because they want instant gratification. Things like sex and drugs will provide this for them. And when the actions or substances work once the individual will do them over and over again for the same feeling.

Feelings of depression, anxiety and anger are also common with addictive personalities. Most are prone to not only one addiction but will have several different ‘vices’ of which each will only grow more severe without some type of professional help.


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