Thursday, July 4, 2013

How Teenagers Get Access to Drugs

How Teenagers Get Access to Drugs

The teenage years can be a wonderful time for children to grow and learn about life, as they get closer to becoming an adult. But, for many teens these years consist of experimenting with things they shouldn’t, like drugs. This drug use could be a result of peer pressure or just curiosity, in general. Unfortunately, this curiosity often leads to addiction. This can happen without the teen even realizing what is happening. At first he is just trying something. Then he does it again and again, and before he knows it he needs it just to get through the day. Peer pressure is another big problem. A teen may be trying to do the right thing and stay away from drugs, but sometimes the pressure to use is too much. Kids want to fit in with the group and if their group of friends just so happens to use drugs and alcohol, the chances of them starting to use as well are very high.

Where Do the Drugs Come From

Many parents wonder the same question: Where are these kids getting drugs? The answer may surprise some people.
  • Home
Many teens get drugs, particularly prescription drugs, from their own home. Unsuspecting parents may leave potentially dangerous prescriptions out in the open. Some of these drugs can be extremely addictive, such as painkillers and anti-anxiety medications. These types of prescription drugs can also be taken from relative’s houses, like the grandparents for example.
  • School
According to a recent survey, more than 60 percent of teens said that drugs were sold, used or kept at their school. What better place to share or sell drugs to your friends than somewhere where they are all congregated? As they acquire drugs, from their home for example, they bring them into the school, exposing their peers to them.
  • Internet
It may come as a shock that people, even teens, are able to buy drugs online. Most of the drugs sold over the Internet are a fairly new type of drug called synthetic drugs. Two of the most popular of these synthetic drugs are synthetic marijuana, or “Spice”, and “bath salts”. Believe it or not, it is actually legal to sell and buy these drugs. Because they are marketed as herbal incense or bath salts, they are not required to adhere to the FDA. Although officials are on to this scheme, they having trouble keeping up with the makers of these drugs, as they continue to find their way around the law. These drugs are extremely dangerous and many parents may not even recognize them as drugs when they see them. [Ref:]

How to Help an Addicted Teen

It is important for parents to know how to handle their teen in the case that they learn he is having trouble with drugs. The first thing would be to let the teen know that he is not alone and that he is supported. Then the parents should look into getting professional treatment for their child. The best way to prevent teen drug use and addiction is for parents to lock up prescription medications in the home and make it a point to be involved in their teen’s life. In addition make sure that drug prevention and education is something that is an ongoing action. This can be effective as shown by the results in the Narconon drug prevention program with a teen. After receiving drug education through his school the teen admitted that the talk made him realize that he never wanted to use drugs. This is the conclusion that most teens will come to if they are told the truth about the dangers and risks of these substances.

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