An inspirational quote or message about overcoming addiction
can be something very helpful for those who are trying to overcome the problem.
Here are some of the best quotes that are applicable in life for anyone in
recovery, recovered from the problem or seeking help:
1. Yesterday is Gone Make Tomorrow New – When using
drugs sometimes it’s necessary to leave the past in the past. Don’t beat
yourself up for past mistakes; create a new future.
2. Don’t Disparage Yourself Or Your Abilities –
Drug use can cause one to start to think badly about himself and even put
himself down. Addiction is a problem that can be overcome; get help and stop
putting yourself down.
3. Honesty Is the Best Policy – Even if the truth
is tough to face when dealing with addiction; be honest. You will make the most
progress in your recovery by doing so.
4. Help others and You Will Improve – Lending a
hand or an ear or doing anything to help another person is beneficial to the
recovery process.
5. What You Confront You Can Handle – The more one
does not face problems, the bigger and more complex they become. Fully facing
or confronting your life, addiction, and past is a tool to put you back in the driver’s
6. Do The Right Thing Good Things Will Happen – Turning
one’s life around requires that you look at the greatest good in your decision
making and actions in life and do the right thing.
7. Man Is Basically Good – Even with all the
actions that one can commit while on drugs or addicted underneath it all man is
basically good.
8. Your Happiness Is In Your Hands – Being happy is
a basic problem of living; everyone wants the key to it. The key to happiness
is creating your own and deciding to be happy in your life.
9. I Am A Work In Progress – While everyone has
goals we are all ‘works in progress’ and need to continue to achieve and work
toward the things that are most important to us. Knowing this we can look at
where we are and where we want to be.
10. You Are NOT A Victim – Even if we have had negative
things that have happened to us we must remember that we are not victims and
must find the strength to go on.
11. Only You Can Hurt You – You have the energy to
control and change your life. Don’t let others hurt you and don’t hurt
yourself. Figure out how to handle your addiction problem; ask for help and
move on with life.
12. Life Is A Learning Experience – Though no one is
born and decides to be an addict, use this experience to learn from your
13. Drugs Don’t Fix The Problem You Do – Most people
use drugs as a solution to a problem or unwanted feeling. The drugs become a
much bigger problem. Not only do they not fix anything but they make things
much worse. Only you can fix it.
14. What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger – While
drugs do take the lives of many there are also those who have been lucky to
still be alive after addiction. Use the strength you still have to take the
steps to overcome the problem.
15. Don’t Require That Others Like, Approve of or
Admire You – Drug friends are those who make like or admire you while using. If
these individuals do not want to change their lives, it is on them. Don’t
desire their approval; work to improve your own life.
16. Choose The Right Friends – Who you surround yourself
with during addiction is often vastly different than who you are around during
and after recovery. Choose those who
have your best interests in mind and leave those who don’t. Your life will
improve vastly.
17. Find Strength In A Higher Power – No matter your
belief system, having something to improve your life after addiction is key.
Many believe in a higher power.
18. When Nothing Else Works Pray – A prayer,
request, thought or postulate is basically putting an idea, want or need out
that you are hoping gets answered. There is nothing wrong with asking for help;
in whatever way you want to do it.
19. Don’t Be Afraid To Move On – If you are changing
your life, if you are handling your addiction keep doing it. Move on from the
negativity and problems and the abuse. Don’t be afraid to embrace your new
20. It’s Ok To Have
A Bad Day – Life is full of ups and downs. With addiction the ups and
downs are even more so. Don’t be afraid of these; a person is not going to be
cheerful or enthusiastic every moment of the day. Live life, embrace the
changes, experience moments.
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