Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Mechanics of Addiction In Review

The Mechanics of Addiction In Review
Gary Smith, Executive Director of Narconon Arrowhead authored The Life Cycle and Mechanics of Addiction, published as a Narconon White Paper (an authoritative report or guide helping readers to understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision), by Narconon Arrowhead in 2008.

The Mechanics of Addiction 

The Life Cycle and Mechanics of Addiction White Paper is a comprehensive, educational and very enlightening document, and written based on Mr. Smith’s over 30 years of experience in the field of substance abuse and chemical dependency.  It is written in laymen’s terms and is easily assimilated and understood.  For those who wrestle with the problem of addiction, its cause and its resolution, this is definitely something you must read.

In brief and by article title, Mr. Gary Smith covers the vital issues of:

·      Is Addiction a Disease?
·      The First Barrier to Successful Recovery: Cravings
·      The Second Barrier to Successful Recovery: Depression
·      The Third Barrier to Successful Recovery:  Guilt
·      Overcoming the Barriers to Successful Recovery

Ending the White Paper is an article entitled Objective Analysis of the Narconon Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Program drafted in 2003 by Dr. Alfonso Paredes, M.D and Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emeritus, University of California Los Angeles, after his three-day onsite observational visit at Narconon Arrowhead.  Dr. Paredes presents a highly interesting and informative summary of his observations and impressions of Narconon Arrowhead and its drug rehabilitation treatment program.  In his opinion, Dr. Paredes states, “Narconon Arrowhead is playing an important role in the rehabilitation of substance abusers and is serving well the community.”

5 Articles About Substance Abuse

Mr. Gary Smith also drafted and released the information in a series of five articles, entitled The Life Cycle and Mechanics of Addiction.  This series includes:
·      Part One
This is a brief overview of the cycle of addiction, and its cause.
·      Part Two:  The Barriers to Successful Recovery
This details the three main reasons for relapse, mental and physical cravings, depression and guilt.
·      Part Three: The Barriers to Successful Recovery
This details guilt as a component part of the cycle of addiction.
·      Part Four:  Overcoming the Barriers to Recovery
This addresses the barriers and how to overcome them.
·      Part Five: Overcoming the Barriers to Recovery
This is a look at an effective alternative method to rehabilitating the addict.

Read or studied in either format, the data presented is invaluable. Anyone seeking to understand addiction, or seeking either workable and successful drug rehabilitation understanding or treatment itself, deserves to read what Mr. Smith has written therein.

It is especially timely for a current review of Mr. Gary Smith’s Narconon Arrowhead publication, due to the upcoming celebration of National Recovery Month.  Also referred to as simply Recovery Month, the annual event takes place every September, and 2013 will be its 24th year. 

It is a time when those all across the United States who work in the fields of prevention, treatment and recovery and its related services celebrate their successes.  It is a time to share them with the public at large, and to educate the general public about recovery in all its aspects.  It is also a time of community outreach, educating people about recovery, making American communities aware of the treatment assistance available to them.

Narconon Arrowhead traditionally celebrates and participates in Recovery Month every year with different educational and community outreach activities. This year, Narconon Arrowhead will be celebrating and participating in National Recovery Month with the dissemination of the Drug-Free World Kits to the schools, and the release of their  Be A Winner, Kids!  Say No to Drugs! Coloring Book for children.

For more information on the Narconon Arrowheaddrug rehab program call 800-468-6933.

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